From the time you are born until you reach age 30 your muscles continue to grow larger and stronger. But, starting around the age of 30, you begin to lose muscle mass, up to 3 to 5 percent each decade if you are not active. The medical term for this is sarcopenia with aging.
Even if you are active, you continue to lose muscle mass but at a slower rate. Reflexes and coordination can also suffer.
It may be more difficult to get up from the couch, climb stairs with groceries, or go for a bike ride. With age your body can get stiffer and wobblier, and your muscles more lax.
This loss of muscle mass will also change the way your body looks and responds. The redistribution of muscle to fat may affect your balance. Less leg muscle and stiffer joints makes it more difficult to move around.
Changes in body weight and bone loss may also affect your height. People typically lose almost ½ inch in height every 10 years after age 40.
The old adage, “use it or lose it,” is true when it comes to your physical abilities. When you lose muscle, it’s typically replaced by fat. Although your weight may increase only slightly, your frame may appear much larger because fat takes up 18 percent more room on your body than muscle.
Our Senior FPA Coach demonstrating the importance of training functionally for optimal functional strength that can burn the most calories.
It is recommended that people over 40 shouldn’t just exercise more, they should exercise smarter. The first smart move is to improve your flexibility and balance. Both of these physical factors suffer from muscle loss and joint stiffness as you age.
Flexibility can help reduce injuries, improve your balance and help you reach your optimum level of fitness.
As you age, you need to build functional strength over strength in isolated muscle group. The idea behind building functional strength is to improve your abilities using groups of muscles you would normally use in everyday life.
Functional strength training is a coordinated effort between multiple muscle groups imitating everyday activities and not training an isolated muscle group. Compound exercises will work multiple muscle groups at once, help you gain functional strength, and burn the most calories per session.
Through our Situational Intelligence Training, our FPA personal trainers and Interactives coaches will plan a well-designed program that focuses on your functional needs. Contact us to find how our personal training and Interactive Training can help be fit at any age!
Let FitPro Academy lead you to your success in your health and fitness journey. Contact us now at [email protected]
(Adapted from:
”We believe fitness should enhance your life instead of become your life. If you exercise in a way that you actually enjoy, staying fit and strong won’t ever feel like a drag.”
Why choose Interactive Fusion Training by FITPRO ACADEMY?
A professional personal trainer that you can carry with you anywhere! “Possible?” you ask. Well it is. Our professional fitness coaches at FPA are at your disposal. You might have come across a pre-planned workout videos with no guidance. This is where FPA solves the missing link. Let us walk you through how FITPRO ACADEMY interactive personal training can benefit you.
Flexible – Our Interactive Training allows you to fit your training around your lifestyle and work schedules. You still have time for personal, family and work obligations.
Anywhere Access – Our Interactive Training is web-based so you can log in from anywhere: home, office or when working remotely. Because you are not tied to a fixed location this reduces the time needed to travel to your gym. And if your work schedules change, you can still carry out your training online.
Anytime Access – Train at your own pace and time. With our Interactive Training you choose the time and pace that suits you best. This makes a significant difference to the bottom line and also frees up personal time.
Cost-effective – With our Interactive Training, Personal Training costs are reduced. Since the largest cost of any training is individual time spent in training, these are the global benefits of online training. But this is where the similarities end when you compare our Academy’s interactive training program vs other online programs in the market out there.
Interactive – One of the best things about our Interactive training is the online community. Our Interactive training allows you to engage with your personal online coach and members that will lead to a richer training experience. You can discuss and share your ideas and share in the experience with others.
Practical and relevant –When you are looking for online training, you should look for an online training platform that is developed by professionals with real-life experience and will provide you with practical training skills to help you reach your fitness goals. FitPro Interactive training platform teaches you the key things you need to know when performing an exercise. It also helps you carry out practical exercises so that you are confident to apply those skills independently.
Expert Support – All our online clients are assigned with a personal FitPro coach. Our well qualified Fitness Professionals will be available help you with any queries. Everyone needs help at times and this one-to-one contact ensures that you are not left in a vacuum where you are unsure about any aspects.
Track Progress – Your training and fitness progress recorded, so that you have the opportunity to go back and review and retrace your training journey. Our interactive training allows your coach to monitor your progress and see where you may need help.
So what’s the bottom line? Look for online training like our FITPRO ACADEMY Interactive training portal that delivers a practical and personalized training and development experience. Our Interactive Training portal are client-centred and done at your own time, place and pace, done within a supportive learning network.
Contact FitPro Academy to find out more about our popular online training program. We are more then happy to share with you how our program can help you.
Our FITPRO Coaches regularly attend fitness related conferences and one of the conference workshop was entitled, “What is the best diet?” by Krista Scott-Dixon, Phd. We give you a summary of this interesting topic. We hope that this article will clear some of your concerns about choosing a sensible diet. Some technical details are included.
“I’d love to eat healthy, but it’s too restrictive for me. I enjoy food too much.”
This question assumes that there is only ONE “best” way to eat. And once we find that, we think it is magic!
Here are some studies done by JAMA* to debunk that there is some magic diet.
- The macronutrients don’t matter. (Macronutrients are your carbohydrates, Protein and Fats)
Numerous trials comparing diets differing in macronutrient composition have demonstrated very small and inconsistent differences in weight loss and metabolic risk factors.
- Adherence is the only thing that matters.
In 2014 a scientific article was published summarizing between 13 and 24 major trials.
Adherence is the only consistent factor associated with weight loss and disease-related outcomes.
- 2014 report** shows that
Low-carb dieters:
6 months: 8.73 kg lost
12 months: 7.25 kg lost
Low-fat dieters
6 months: 7.99 kg lost
12 months: 7.27 kg lost
Weight loss differences between individual named diets were small. This supports the practice of recommending any diet that a patient will adhere to in order to lose weight.
In other words…
You can get good results from many diets.
So what’s the best diet? The one you’ll actually stick to.
There are many diets and many ways to eat. Humans are amazingly adaptable to varied food conditions.
When it comes to conditions, it is not just about food. Which category to you belong to?
- “I’m still a student, living in a dorm on a budget.”
- “ I’ve got money but no time and I don’t like to cook.”
- “I need to make weight safely for athletic competition.”
- “I am really concerned about the wellness and health of this planet.”
Other factors that will influence your food choices are:
- Physiological differences
- Personal differences
- Cultural / social differences
- Environmental differences
- Global differences
So what can we conclude from here? THERE IS NO ONE SIZE FITS ALL!
Diet debates only benefit the diet industry. Diet debates do not help you make sound choice.
People are still wondering, “What should I eat for dinner?” STOP debating diets.
Instead, START understanding what really makes you feel fitter, leaner, stronger, healthier and saner for life!
Contact our FITPRO Academy Nutritionist for professional consultation on the type of diet that will suit your lifestyle.
* JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association is a peer-reviewed medical journal published 48 times a year by the American Medical Association. It publishes original research, reviews, and editorials covering all aspects of the biomedical sciences.
** Johnston, Bradley C., et al. Comparison of weight loss among named diet
programs in overweight and obese adults: A meta-analysis. Journal of the
American Medical Association 312 no.9 (September 2014): 923-933.