Interactive Fusion.
What is Interactive Fusion Membership?
Interactive Fusion Membership consists of the following:
- Detailed Fitness Consultation
- Customized workout regime based on your body type and lifestyle
- Dietary management
- Online training using FPA’s Training Interface
(available on both web-based & mobile application) - Exclusive access & request for FPA exercise tutorials
- Customisable Add-ons
(Members rate for small group personal training, supervised workout, personal coaching and more!)
An FPA fitness professional will be assigned to take care of your entire programme for the life of your membership.
It is not a pre-designed programme that you can always find on the internet. Your workout programme will be customised based on our unique Situational Intelligence Analysis, which takes multiple aspects of your body, environment & level of commitment. This will be derived through our detailed fitness consultation.
Interactive Fusion Training is suitable for people who want to begin with an exercise programme but lack of the knowledge and guidance. With a certain level of independence and discipline, this programme is as effective as being trained by a personal trainer.
As a member, you will be entitled to MASSIVE DISCOUNTS to all of our add-on services that includes small group personal training, supervised workout, personal coaching at your location, group activities, workshops and more!
Detailed Fitness Consultation
Our detailed fitness consultation consists of taking your body measurements, assessing your training environment, lifestyle and current fitness potential. This is a vital step for your customized workout regime!
Your dietary recommendation will be analysed through FPA’s Interactive Nutrition Interface. You can simply keep track of your daily nutrition with detailed daily nutrition analysis.
Exclusive access to special training video
Comprehensive set of training videos developed by FPA to suit your training needs and should you need a more specialized video for a specific exercise, our FPA coaches will deliver specially for you!
Personal Coaching
If you need any help in your workout, this package allows you to fix an appointment with our FPA Coach. Our coach will go over to your preferred location and coach you on your prescribed workout. This is an add-on feature available at members’ rate!
Compatible with Lifestyle Devices
Sync your trackers & digital weighing scale with our user-friendly application to keep track of your activity level and progress.
Customisable Add-ons
Your membership is highly customisable by choosing which add-on services you would need. Enjoy the MASSIVE DISCOUNTS on all add-ons, specially for members only!